Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 3

Actually, Day 2 but who's counting, really....(If you haven't read Day 1, I suggest starting there)

They say 3rd time's the charm, right? THIRD BLOG. Today I am going to be introducing a TITLE....

"Last night I was afraid to fall asleep, but then I dreamt about you!"

Did that title make you think a little?

If so, great! You might have also thought I was weird. That's okay. Weird is good. Today, I am confessing something - I am "crazy!" 

And I am proud of it. My nickname is - Monikrazy!!! I think that moniker was initially coined by my very good friend and teammate, Rebecca D. A quite brilliant person I might add! 

Back to my title and my dream last night. Molly Cox! A big name, I think. I saw you at Tedx San Antonio and was completely stunned by you! I AM A FAN! Your comedy, your nature and your smile moved me. I remember the drum guy too but his name is not important right now. Right now, I need you, Molly Cox. Your title is something about social stuff, right? Anyway, you were in my dream but I really can't explain it! It had to do with twitter, planes and surprises by your loved ones. Now, I have an idea about where movies like INCEPTION come from! People like us! DREAMERS!  Do you believe in my idea of The Positivity Blog now? All I need, is enough big names to believe in this ONE idea! Molly, do I have your attention? Ok... I need your help! Please post about my blog. And email me at I'd love to chat with you today if possible! :) Ok, back to reality......

HOT TOPIC (not the store) of today...... MENTAL HEALTH!!!!

I'm going to keep this short and sweet because I really don't want to overwhelm. I just want to be heard. Then to share ideas.

Ok, I am super passionate about this mental health issue floating around! Why? Because I went through "crazy" in High School. Thanks to the love and support of My Mom, My Principal (Dr. Flieger), My Family (EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU) and My Coach (Coach Hearn) I am here today! POSITIVE!! I went through "crazy" with not a lot of negative effects. I didn't go to jail, I didn't harm anyone and I hope I didn't traumatize anyone. It was hard but I OVERCAME IT! I am not afraid of "crazy." There aren't many people who know about that part of my life because I don't talk about it. It was negative. It was sparked by lack of sleep, fyi...  (If you're not sleeping well, you have a problem and should seek help.) This is The Positivty Blog. If you personally know me and remember that time in my life and want to comment about it, I'd love to hear from you because I was not in my right mind and do not remember it quite well. If you went to High School with me, you might not even know about it. I was really sheltered during that week of my life and tried to stay low key... It was one of the toughest times in my life.

Soo... that's my "Crazy" Story. That is one of my biggest secrets. Thanks again to everyone that helped me overcome it the HEALTHY and Positive way(long story)!!!!

Why am I putting crazy in quotes? Do people really know what crazy is? Is there really a normal? As an Aggie, I am part of a rivalry against tu. That rivalry is peaceful and positive. I have a lot of Longhorn friends. Y'all know I love y'all (Lyli lol)! BUT I love Austin's slogan "Keep Austin weird." I hate how College Station prides itself on being "normal". What is "normal"?

I believe there is good crazy and bad crazy........... Bad crazy starts when someone holds on to a "bad" idea. Good crazy starts when someone holds on to a good idea. That's it and that's all! (Susy G) I will never let go of my "good" idea! My idea of The Positivty Blog! I need your help as well! If you like my thoughts, thank you! If you have input, comment. If you want to spark curiosity simply SHARE it. You can click the share button on Facebook.... then twitter (I don't know much about this yet, though!) That's where I hope Molly Cox comes in handy! @themollycox I hope that gets you some followers!! :) or maybe even @oprah or @rosie or heck, maybe even @TheEllenShow !!!

Heck! Why not? Why not @barackobama or @pontifex !?

Quote: "I had an amazing dream last night. Cultivate your mind with positive thoughts and possibilities are endless!"-ME on January 2nd, 2013 :) Yes, I quoted myself.

Song: Where is the Love by Black Eyed Peas

GOD BLESS YOU ALL! God bless the world!!! God bless, San Antonio, TX, College Station, TX and Eagle Pass, TX! :) I believe in the balance of the UNIVERSE as well!! :) 

There is a difference between an obsession and passion. Positivity is my Passion. I am not crazy, I am an entrepreneur. My website host says that 200 views the first day and 600 views the second is pretty good so they have faith and me. I'm excited! :)

Bloggers, how many hits did you get in your first days? I am a scientist first! I am all about numbers! :) NUMBAS DONT LIE! (TR Roots) holla!


The new home for my blog, The Positivity Blog is

Thanks and gig'em! :)


  1. has already been bought and it has been redirected to A job search page. I LOVE IT! I could care less if people "steal" my ideas because I STILL haven't even shared my best ones ;) POSITIVITY WILL CHANGE THE WORLD! :)

  2. and now the url is ww2!! whatever that means!!! I am a nerd but NOT that big of a nerd.... I need help! If you want to help me let me know. Until then, my thoughts are on hold until they are organized. :)

  3. THANK YOU ERICA! That is what I like to hear! :)

  4. I love the shoutout you did to Susy!
